My Child’s Feelings or Stress

Joy, anger, excitement, sadness. Just as it can be hard to manage your own feelings and stress, it can be hard to support your child with their feelings. From peer groups and hotlines to therapists, there is support here in Maine for you and your child. 

I need help for my child right now

I want to talk to someone who can help me figure it out

Your child’s doctor, school nurse, or school social worker

Your child’s doctor, school nurse, or school social worker may be able to identify supports for your child and how to get them.

Yellow badge with Childs head outlined with brain outline in middle

G.E.A.R. Parent Network

You can talk to other parents who have had similar experiences and get information about support. 

GEAR Parent Network Logo

I want to talk to someone who gets it

I want to know about supports that I can share with my child

NAMI Maine Teen Text Line

(207) 515-8398 

If your child is 13-23 years old, they can text this confidential support line. A trained support specialist 18-24 years old will respond during operating hours.

NAMI Maine Logo

I want to know what else is out there

Be There for ME is for all parents and caregivers in Maine, and the people who support them. Finding support can be hard and take time. Make that first step today, even if you’re not sure where to go. The resources on this website are judgement-free places to start to find support.

Father speaking with his children