How to Be There for ME

Be There for ME is for all parents and caregivers in Maine, and the people who support them. Finding support can be hard and take time. Everyone has a role to play — from health care providers and teachers to neighbors and friends.


Check out the ideas below for how you can help families in your community, beyond sharing Be There for ME as a resource. You’ll also find flyers, social media content, rack cards and posters for download in the toolkit below. 

How to Be There for Parents and Caregivers

  • Let parents know that you see how hard they are working for themselves and their children.
  • Check in on your friends and neighbors — ask how they are doing!
  • Share your own story. Think of a time you struggled and needed support. Sharing this can help reduce the stigma of asking for help.
  • Ask how you can help. And be ready to offer options, like dropping off a meal or playing with their child while they take a breath.
  • Try not to judge, and instead show you care by offering to help. There are many ways to parent.
  • If you see someone struggling, point them to places where they can get support, like Be There for ME.
  • Find ways to connect! Chatting at the bus stop, taking a walk together, meeting up for coffee — these small things all add up to feeling more connected and supported in your community.
  • Ask for help yourself. Everyone has something to offer, and it can be easier for someone to accept help if it is a two-way street.
  • Be patient. Sometimes people need help but aren't ready for it. Let them know you are there for them — whenever they need it.

Fear of saying they’re struggling. Fear of saying they can’t make ends meet. Fear of losing their housing. Fear of the way they are parenting their children and then fear of having them taken away. We need to be able to be there for people without judgement.

- A parent in Maine
