My Child's Health or Development

As a parent or caregiver, there’s no greater joy than watching your child grow and learn. Every child is different, and so are their needs as they get older. It can be tough as a parent to know what your child needs, when they need it, and where to find it. Support is out there for you and your child along the way.

I want someone to help me figure it out

Help Me Grow Maine

If you have a child 8 years old or younger, you can talk to a family support specialist about your needs.

help me grow maine logo

Maine Parent Federation

If you care for a child with a disability or special health care need, you can talk to someone who gets it and can connect you to support.

Maine Parents Foundation Logo

G.E.A.R. Parent Network

If you care for a child with an emotional or mental health need, you can talk to other parents who have had similar experiences and get information about support.

GEAR Parent Network Logo

I want to find health insurance


You can apply for free and low-cost health coverage for your family to get needed care to stay healthy.

MaineCare Logo

You can shop for and compare health insurance plans for you and your family.

coverme logo

I want to know what else is out there

Be There for ME is for all parents and caregivers in Maine, and the people who support them. Finding support can be hard and take time. Make that first step today, even if you’re not sure where to go. The resources on this website are judgement-free places to start to find support.

Cheerful and proud mother of Black ethnicity, picking up her teen daughter from her basketball practice